Add the ability to display the keys you are pressing
iMobie Product Team
iMobie Product Team
iMobie Product Team
iMobie Product Team
Ty Xanders
walk kat
Let's discuss some details! I was thinking, it would be fantastic to have an editing feature for the key display. Sometimes, certain key clicks are unnecessary and should be removed. Moreover, if we could customize the style, position, and display duration of the keys ourselves, it would be even more ideal.
It's already in progress:
Please give attention to the language of the keys... The displayed keys should be based on the language settings! Good luck with it 🤞
Make it so that the keys/shortcuts pressed are displayed in the top right or left and also in the bottom center (if we do not have subtitles) let us choose.
Also please give us design control over the background, text color, font, font size, border radius of the background, transparency of how we want the shortcuts to be displayed. Also let us separate each key for example CTRL V in its own bubble with a separate background or both keys in one background. -> For example, keys can be displayed in separate squares for shortcuts, or all in one square with rounded corners.
in progress
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