Smooth movement between triggers
iMobie Product Team
This feature is really important to stay on the same level as other tools, especially for creating professional social media content. Smooth transitions between triggers make videos look better and more engaging. Right now, it’s hard to compete without this. I really hope this update comes soon because it would make work so much easier!
iMobie Product Team
in progress
iMobie Product Team please make this your priority has this is what most of the user want to show. fast movement and uneven mouse moment in the video don't look professional. reset can be adjusted or developed later but this feature will take the usability on next to next level :) feedback from someone who purchased FocuSee :)
iMobie Product Team Getting this single feature right will bring over users from Screen Studio to FocuSee.
Dannan Kelly
smooth interpolation between zoom wold be great
I really need this feature. Does anyone know if it's in development?
Yes, please make it smoother, maybe add an easing setting so when zooming in and out it is really smooth. Also for the highlighting feature where we can highlight an area with a square it just flashes in which is not great make sure the square is easing in so the are gets highlighted slowly and smoothly -> give us full control over the highlighting smoothness so smoothly highlight not abruptly highlight something also the zoom smoothness and cursor smoothness needs to be adjusted and adjustable trough us.
Same for me; I'd like my mouse movements to as smooth as they are in Screen Studio
Ken Feisher
I came specifically to request this! Something similar to how Camtasia smooths the cursor would be amazing. You already record the cursor movement, so it shouldn't be to hard to find a smooth path between the end points without all the pauses and indirect paths inbetween.